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5 Advantages of SWELLEnterprise and How You Can Implement What We Have to Offer.
Is your business utilizing SWELLEnterprise? If so, you probably have realized that this has
made your business life a bit easier. However, many people who have started using this
program are still not using it to its highest benefits. There are many advantages that this
program offers that they are not making full use of. And it is these small things that we
believe sets this software apart from the other software that is on the market. So, what are
you missing out on?
Do you Utilize Voice Commands?
While many people add in their customers, leads, and events by hand, you can use your
voice in the app to add these items for you. This can easily be integrated with Google
Assistant and Alexa to make things even easier! Imagine never having to leave what you are
doing to add a client or a lead. It is just one way to make your life slightly easier.
Adding Sub-Tasks
Many people are unaware that for every task they have added, they can add a sub task
within it. It can make everything much more organized. Instead of having ten tasks related
to the same client, one task with sub-tasks for you and your employees to see is going to be
easier managed!
Have you Tried SMS Marketing?
SMS Marketing is becoming one of the many ways that businesses are reaching their
customers. Have you tried this? If not, you are missing out. The good news,
SWELLEnterprise does allow you to send SMS text messages to those who have subscribed!
Are You Using a Third-Party App for Email Marketing?
Why use a third-party app when SWELLEnterprise can do the email marketing for you! You can easily build out drop campaigns for your marketing lists without having to worry about another software to use this. You can use this marketing for email or SMS.
The In-App Phone Options
What most people do not realize is that the app is equipped to dial phone numbers,
forward numbers and even voice record these calls for later use. Users simply purchase a
phone numbers, and then can answer, send a call, or even forward this call to a cell phone
of a team member if needed. The recoding feature of this option is popular for those
wanting to conduct quality assurance checks, training, or even taking notes from past
So, are you making full use of what SwellEnterprise can offer your business? If not, it is time to start doing so!
Want to know more? Check out this post; 10 Signs You Should Invest In a CRM.
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[…] SwellEnterprise is an all-in-one tool designed to help business owners, professionals, and teams become more productive and organized. The platform consists of a wide range of features that allow you to keep track of and maintain all of your marketing, support, and sales relationships. […]
[…] 5 Advantages to SWELLEnterprise and How You Can Implement It […]